Fastmarks and Hook for Mac

Hi. Just a quick note that the most recent version of Fastmarks can now search all of your Hook links in addition to your web browser bookmarks.

This opens up some really fun possibilities to quickly navigate between all of your documents and apps on Mac that you have hooked together with, well, Hook.

If you don’t know Hook already and you’re a nerdy productivity-type person like me, you’ll love it. I use it to link together all my files and reference material across the apps I’m using. So when I’m viewing a task in OmniFocus, I can jump straight to the document it references – whether that file is an email or lives in DEVONthink, in Finder, or even a note from a year ago. It’s wild.

Brett Terpstra, one of my favorite smart people, says

Hook ties all of my apps together, and I’ve written about it before. If you’ve ever wished you could easily connect a project’s notes, files, web pages, and tasks together, Hook is the answer.

For a deep dive into real-world use cases with Hook, it’s also worth reading through his past articles about the app – including a new one today talking about using Hook with one of his own open source projects, SearchLink.

I recorded a short screencast below that shows Fastmarks and Hook working together.

The nice folks at CogSci apps (who make Hook) made me promise not to tell anyone that you can save 20% off Hook with coupon code HOOKFSTMK20. Please do not share that coupon code. It’s top secret and only for you, the person reading this blog post, and definitely not for anyone else who wants to save some money on a wonderful piece of software.