Rebudget for macOS
Forecast Your Personal Finances
Requires macOS Big Sur or Monterey.
Intel and Apple Silicon compatible.
Forecast Your Personal Finances
Rebudget is a wonderfully simple way to visualize your personal budget over time. See the natural ebb and flow of your balance as paychecks arrive, recurring bills go out, and unexpected expenses arise.
Rebudget is not meant to replace or perfectly mirror your bank statement. It’s a tool to help you plan, forecast, and play out different scenarios so you can make the best decisions for you and your family’s budget.
Could you do all of this with a calculator or Excel or even Google Docs? Of course! We just think Rebudget is faster and easier.

Here’s the Story…
2018 was an incredibly shitty year. While already digging our way out of medical debt, I spent the last six months of the year looking for a new full-time job, and our finances were stretched to the limit if not outright broken. We were fortunate that my wife still had her paycheck, but my income consisted of sales from my apps, which varied greatly month-to-month, and the occasional freelance job, which never arrived with any regularity.
We couldn’t just say we have $XXX coming in each month and work from that because our only guaranteed income wasn’t enough to cover all the bills. So, I started forecasting out our cash flow six to eight weeks at a time based on what I expected my freelance work to provide.
At first, I did that by hand and then later using a spreadsheet. Eventually, I wanted a faster and more flexible tool to do the job, and that’s where the initial idea for Rebudget came from. So, I built it and have been using and improving the app ever since.
How it Works…
Enter your recurring bills, one-off expenses, and income. Transactions can repeat monthly, weekly, or any number of days. They can recur indefinitely or just until a certain date.

Running Balance Over Time
Rebudget will show how your running balance changes over time. This is particularly helpful in situations where you get paid on the 1st and 15th but your partner might get paid every other week. Or if you have irregular income from freelance gigs or odd jobs.

Related Transactions
Select a recurring transaction and the other related ones will highlight. It’s an easy way to quickly scan into the future and see when certain bills or paychecks will arrive.

Intelligent Alerts
Rebudget features our “What’s Left” calculation, which tells you at a glance how much unbudgeted money you can spend over the next 30 days.

Rebudget will also alert you if it detects any upcoming problems in your budget.

Adjust On-the-fly
Thinking about canceling a recurring bill? Or sign up for a new gym membership? Quickly toggle a transaction or all related transactions on or off with a single click – your balance over time will recalculate live.

Multiple Budgets
Create multiple Rebudget documents and compare them side-by-side to play out and plan different financial scenarios. Can you really afford that new car payment? If you start saving now, will you have enough by next Summer for that trip?