Available Commands

Here is a list of all available TextBuddy commands. In addition to the 137 below, you can also create your own custom commands and run shell scripts to manipulate your text.

Is TextBuddy missing a command you’d like? Feel free to suggest one.

  • Convert
    • Tabs to Spaces
    • Spaces to Tabs
    • Straighten Quotes
    • Smart Punctuation
    • Escape String
  • Filter
    • Strip Slashes
    • Remove Consecutive Whitespace
    • Remove Blank Lines
    • Remove Duplicate Lines
      • Literal Comparison
      • Ignore Case
      • Ignore Whitespace
      • Ignore Case and Whitespace
    • Remove Lines Containing.
    • Keep Lines Containing…
    • Remove All
      • Letters
      • Lowercase Letters
      • Uppercase Letters
      • Digits
      • Alphanumerics
      • Punctuation
      • Symbols
      • Control Characters
      • Illegal Characters
      • ASCII Characters
      • Non-ASCIl Characters
      • Newlines
      • Whitespace
      • Whitespace and Newlines
    • Keep Only
      • Letters
      • Lowercase Letters
      • Uppercase Letters
      • Digits
      • Alphanumerics
      • Punctuation
      • Symbols
      • Control Characters
      • Illegal Characters
      • ASCII Characters
      • Non-ASCIl Characters
      • Newlines
      • Whitespace
      • Whitespace and Newlines
      • URLs
      • Email Addresses
      • Mailing Addresses
      • Phone Numbers
      • Dates
      • Numbers
  • Hash
    • MD5
    • SHA256
    • SHA512
  • Numbers
  • Sort
    • Sort Ascending
    • Sort Ascending (Ignore Case)
    • Sort Ascending Numerically
    • Sort Descending
    • Sort Descending (Ignore Case)
    • Sort Descending Numerically
    • Shuffle Lines
    • Shuffle Characters
    • Reverse Lines
    • Reverse Characters
  • Transform
    • JSON Sort Keys
    • JSON Minimize
    • Base64 Encode
    • Base64 Decode
    • URL Encode
    • URL Decode
    • URL Slug
    • ROT13
    • Prepend Lines With…
    • Append Lines With…
    • Plain Text
    • Add Line Numbers1
      • 1.
      • 1)
      • 1 –
      • 1:
      • Ordinal
      • Roman Numerals
      • Custom…
  • Trim
    • Whitespace
    • Whitespace By Line
    • Leading Whitespace By Line
    • Trailing Whitespace By Line
    • Characters By Line…
    • Leading Characters By Line…
    • Trailing Characters By Line…
  • HTML
    • Convert Newlines to <br>
    • Convert <br> to Newlines
    • Convert Lines into HTML List <li>
    • Extract Text from HTML
  • Markdown
  • Web Browser
    • Safari
      • Get Current URL
      • Get All URLs
      • Get Current URL as Markdown
      • Get All URLs as Markdown
      • Get Current Web Page Source
    • Google Chrome
      • Get Current URL
      • Get All URLs
      • Get Current URL as Markdown
      • Get All URLs as Markdown
    • Brave
      • Get Current URL
      • Get All URLs
      • Get Current URL as Markdown
      • Get All URLs as Markdown
  • Data
  • Encryption (AES)
    • Encrypt with Password…
    • Decrypt with Password…
  • Other