If you’re unable to activate TextBuddy because your Mac does not have a network connection, you can register your copy of the app offline by following these instructions.
1. Quit TextBuddy.
2. Open Terminal.app
from your Mac’s Applications → Utilities folder.
3. Copy/paste the following commands into the Terminal window and press return
after each one.
Be sure to substitue the your_name_goes_here
with the License Name included in your purchase confirmation email and your_serial_number_goes_here
with your Serial Number as well.
defaults write com.clickontyler.TextBuddy savedName your_name_goes_here
defaults write com.clickontyler.TextBuddy savedKey your_serial_number_goes_here
defaults write com.clickontyler.TextBuddy windowPosition 289
After running those three commands, TextBuddy should be fully registered with your license information.
If you run into any additional problems, feel free to reach out.